Teacher Materials to accompany “Opera Up Close”
Hey teachers! Thanks for introducing your students to the Wonderful World of Opera. The following materials are designed to supplement the “Opera Up Close” Presentation.
Pre-Event Activities
- We invite your class to think of questions for the Resident Artists. There will be time for a Q&A after the presentation.
- Core Curriculum Connections: Choral Music Standards – The Utah Opera Resident Artists are inspirational examples of what students can achieve when they master the Utah State Core Standards for Music. Remind your students about these standards and ask them to evaluate the artists after the assembly.

- STRAND: CREATE – Students will conceptualize, generate, and organize artistic ideas and work. They will complete and refine musical works.
- STRAND: RESPOND – Students will perceive and analyze artistic work and process. They will interpret intent and meaning, and apply criteria to evaluate artistic work and process
- STRAND: CONNECT – Students will relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
- STRAND: PERFORM – Students will analyze, interpret, and select artistic work for performance
During the Presentation
After the Presentation
If you would like to follow through with more Opera activities in your classroom, we invite you to dig deeper into the Wonderful World of Opera with these additional opportunities.
- Show your class these opera scenes and short operas for a more “theatre” like Opera experience.
- We also want your feedback! Fill out this brief teacher survey so we can improve our assembly for future schools.
- Make plans to attend a Utah Opera performance at the Janet Quinney Lawson Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City. Students can attend the dress rehearsals for free.